Just Lead: Advancing Racial Equity
A New Detroit Conference
Watch our highlight video here.
View the Just Lead Program Book here.
Just Lead: Advancing Racial Equity conference was the launch of New Detroit’s Just Institute.
For more information about Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, please visit https://www.ibramxkendi.com/.
Are you interested in advancing racial equity in your corporation, organization, institution, community, or spheres of influence? New Detroit’s first annual conference, Just Lead: Advancing Racial Equity, is the region’s first conference devoted solely to racial equity that brings together a cross section of leadership and viewpoints.
Created in 1967, New Detroit’s hallmark approach is to bring together diverse voices to seek collaborative solutions to dismantle racism.
The conference included an opening plenary with Dr. Abdul El-Sayed and Jeffery Robinson; a lunchtime fireside chat with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi; panels on the business case for racial equity, equity in education, health equity, the challenging role of the DEI professional, and more; a closing plenary with a cross-section of the region’s leading racial justice organizations; interactive workshops; and great networking.
Thank you to the Detroit Regional Chamber for the wonderful article about New Detroit’s Just Lead: Advancing Racial Equity conference.